How much is too much for social media? I always see these couple professing their love on social media, and that’s great, but what happens when the behavior doesn’t match the display? That’s where the other side of social media comes in to play…
TI and Tiny are the latest celebrities to step on the line of giving too much information the public. As rumors of his infidelities swirl, the world goes to social media to see what info they’ll slip. She’s making subliminal posts about walking away and all of a sudden she has a thing for posting her backside (ugh) , he’s making a whole heck of a lot of “I messed up but I’m going to bounce back” messages…But why do either of them feel like they should air their dirty laundry to the public?
First off they are MARRIED! That is a union between TWO people, not TWO Million! I understand that social media is set up to make us feel like it belongs to “us”… but really it’s apart of your life that you are sharing with someone else. Why say things to the world that you need to say to your WIFE? I’m guilty of using a post to be passive aggressive (lol), but that’s with work situations, it’s usually something that’s on my heart. That should not happen in a relationship, especially not a marriage. I see a whole lot of relationships unfold on social networking… we can scroll down your timeline and get a timeline of our own, watching the “I’m single and awesome” posts, change to “Quality time”….”Drunk in Love” and then “On to the Next One”…but why do we feel so comfortable telling our PERSONAL business to our “followers?”
The term in itself should remind you that that’s what many of the people on your page are doing, following you. So be careful what impression you leave. I have to tell myself to not be so paranoid when posting, it’s not that serious… share a little. But that’s not what I feel in my heart, I don’t judge people who “overshare”, because that’s just my opinion, they are entitled to do whatever they want on “their page”. But I do question it. I wonder why people feel the need to post every detail of their lives to people who are not in their inner circle…
In this industry, I have seen mean spirited, miserable people use personal information shared on the internet against a person. The comments that are left under the pictures of many celebrities photos is proof. But when they make posts that cause the rumor mill to turn… what can you expect? TI posting about mistakes, makes us think that he DID cheat on his wife… it’s really none of our business, but I don’t understand why people in the public eye post their personal lives so freely.
Yes, there’s a difference between hiding your relationship and being cautious about sharing…but so what if you want to be private? Who says you MUST post pictures of date nights, text messages and flowers? What’s wrong with keeping your private life private? Especially if you have “followers” or “friends” that you don’t know? Research shows that social media effects relationships. One study showed that more than half of all people said that social media was part of the demise of their relationship..granted, that was due to interactions with other people on the sites, but why display so much info to everybody else?
I think so often people make posts about people “lurking” and “screenshoting”, but what can we expect? In a world of adults who are addicted to social media what can we expect? Those posts leave a bunch of tongues wagging when the hookups are happening and even more when the breakups are in full swing. Now, since you shared all the kissy face pictures, it’s only right that you let us know he wasn’t worthy by flooding our timelines with strong woman posts…right?
We have watched celebrity relationships spark and fade, all on social media. We don’t even need the paparazzi anymore, we are hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth! If you ask me, all celebrities need publicists who CONTROL their social media accounts. If Rihanna and Miley Cyrus aren’t proof of that… I don’t know who is….